Chief Assistant Prosecuting Attorney
Scott Heenan
(513) 946-3130
Fax : (513) 946-3021
The Appellate Division represents the citizens of Hamilton County in the Ohio Court of Appeals, Ohio Supreme Court and United States Supreme Court.
These courts have the power to affirm or reverse rulings made by lower courts. The Appellate Division also represents the citizens of Hamilton County in post-conviction actions, felony expungement proceedings, sanity/insanity/competency proceedings, prisoner transfer proceedings and parole-related matters.
The Hamilton County Prosecuting Attorney's Office is dedicated to effectively representing the citizens of Hamilton County, its governmental agencies and elected officials as authorized by the laws of the state of Ohio
The Hamilton County Prosecuting Attorney's Office is dedicated to effectively representing the citizens of Hamilton County, its governmental agencies and elected officials as authorized by the laws of the State of Ohio.
© Copyright Hamilton County Prosecutor's Office
230 E. Ninth Street, Ste 4000, Cincinnati, OH 45202
Phone (513) 946-3000