Assistant Prosecuting Attorney
Jennifer Deering
(513) 946-3272
Fax : (513) 946-3105
The Domestic Violence Unit will be responsible for supervising the prosecution of violent criminal cases involving women, children and domestic partners. Data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has shown that nearly 20% of all women experience some form of violence from an intimate partner in their life. Roughly 1 in 10 women report being stalked by a current or former intimate partner. Nearly half of all female homicide victims are killed by a current or former intimate partner.
This unit will be led by veteran Assistant Prosecutor Jennifer Deering. It will include other assistant prosecutors from all divisions in our office as well as a victim advocate and investigator. This team will review and screen criminal cases where women, children and domestic partners are victims. These cases will be handled specifically by one attorney for "vertical prosecution,” where cases maintain one assigned prosecutor and one assigned victim advocate. Prosecutors from this unit will also be available 24/7 for law enforcement consultation during the investigative phase of the case.
Experience has shown that vertical prosecution can often help victims avoid the re-traumatization that can occur when having to deal with new people or share their experiences multiple times. It can also help foster both trust and communication between victims and their prosecutor. Early contact with law enforcement and first responders has also been shown to be essential to these emotionally charged cases, as victims can frequently become uncooperative or unavailable for prosecution due to pressures from family or the abusers themselves.
Women Helping Women
(513) 381-5610 call or text for
24-Hour Helpline and LIVE CHAT
YWCA Hamilton County Domestic Violence Hotline
(513) 872-9259;
TOLL FREE: 888-872-9259
YWCA House of Peace Hotline
(513) 753-7281;
TOLL FREE: 800-540-4764
The Hamilton County Prosecuting Attorney's Office is dedicated to effectively representing the citizens of Hamilton County, its governmental agencies and elected officials as authorized by the laws of the state of Ohio
The Hamilton County Prosecuting Attorney's Office is dedicated to effectively representing the citizens of Hamilton County, its governmental agencies and elected officials as authorized by the laws of the State of Ohio.
© Copyright Hamilton County Prosecutor's Office
230 E. Ninth Street, Ste 4000, Cincinnati, OH 45202
Phone (513) 946-3000