Chief Assistant Prosecuting Attorney
Nee Fong Chin
(513) 946-3042
Fax : (513) 946-3018
The goal of the Environmental Division is to aid in the maintenance and protection of our public health and environment in Hamilton County.
In doing so, the Hamilton County Prosecutor’s Office represents the Hamilton County General Health District, which is comprised of five main divisions: Environmental Health, Water Quality, Preventive Health, Waste Management and Plumbing. In addition, The Prosecutor's Office represents the Board of Health, Hamilton County Environmental Services, Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District and the Metropolitan Sewer District.
The Environmental Division also prosecutes those who violate the environmental laws of the State of Ohio.
The Hamilton County Prosecuting Attorney's Office is dedicated to effectively representing the citizens of Hamilton County, its governmental agencies and elected officials as authorized by the laws of the state of Ohio
The Hamilton County Prosecuting Attorney's Office is dedicated to effectively representing the citizens of Hamilton County, its governmental agencies and elected officials as authorized by the laws of the State of Ohio.
© Copyright Hamilton County Prosecutor's Office
230 E. Ninth Street, Ste 4000, Cincinnati, OH 45202
Phone (513) 946-3000