Hamilton County Prosecutor Melissa Powers announces charges against parent of two-year-old who shot self with gun

Hamilton County Prosecutor Melissa Powers announces charges against parent of two-year-old who shot self with gun

Today, Hamilton County Prosecutor Melissa Powers announced the indictment of Jana Ryce (DOB 05/23/00) for the April 23, 2024 incident that resulted in a self-inflicted gunshot wound of a two year old child.

Ryce was indicted for one (1) count of Endangering Children (F3) with firearm specifications. If convicted, she faces a maximum possible sentence of six (6) years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.

On April 23, 2024 Jana Ryce was at home with her two year old son. At this time, Ryce had possession of a firearm that had been given to her by her boyfriend to hide (this firearm had previously been reported stolen out of North College Hill.) Ryce had hidden the firearm in an unsecured location and laid down to take a nap. While she was sleeping, the child located the firearm and managed to discharge the gun at himself, resulting in serious injury.

Ryce took the child to the hospital, where he was treated. The child required multiple screws to be placed in his leg. Cincinnati Police officers responded to the residence and took possession of the gun.

Hamilton County Prosecutor Melissa Powers commented, “It shocks me that anyone would be so irresponsible with a firearm around young children.

This was an entirely preventable incident that could have been so much worse. It is fortunate that this child is alive today.”

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