Matthew Pearson




Ross Correctional Institution


Aggravated Murder

Sentence Min/Max


Date Admitted



The facts of this case show that Matthew Pearson and Lionel Harris conspired together to murder Ellen Bradley. Harris had married Ellen in July 1991. He had Ellen, who was a waitress, take out more than a million dollars in life insurance with him named as the primary beneficiary.

Oddly, Ellen kept her marriage secret from most of her friends and family. Despite their being married, Ellen chose to live at her parents' home instead of with Harris. Many of Ellen's friends told police that they were especially surprised because Harris never showed any interest in her.

After the life insurance policies had been taken out, Harris and Pearson arranged for Ellen to be someplace where they felt they could safely kill her. They proceeded to shoot her multiple times.

Though you should already have a copy, a letter from the City of Forest Park's Chief of Police explains how Pearson and Harris are both suspected of committing a separate murder and attempted murder. In the attempted murder, Pearson and Harris are suspected of shooting the manager of a pizza place in the head, which occurred shortly after Harris was fired since he was suspected of stealing from the store. In the murder, they are suspected of stabbing a woman pregnant with his second child to death, which occurred shortly after she sought child support from him.

Pearson cooperated in murdering a young woman in the hopes that he could financially gain from her death. Pearson has been sentenced to life in prison for his callous role in Ellen's senseless death. There is no reason why he should not have to serve out that sentence.

Public Hearing Comments

Wayne Reed

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