Samuel Brooks




Allen Correctional Institution




Sentence Min/Max


Date Admitted



Brooks was originally incarcerated for raping a six-year-old boy. Brooks forced the child into an alleyway and demanded that the child strip for him. When the boy refused, Brooks grabbed him by the arm and drug him to his apartment. Once inside the apartment he orally raped the child and tried to anally rape him as well. During all of this, the child was hit repeatedly in the head. Brooks told the child he would kill him if he told anyone.

What is truly alarming about this case is that, before this rape occurred, Brooks had been convicted of an attempted rape. He was sentenced to 2 to 15 years in prison, yet was released around a year later and almost immediately committed this most vicious assault on a six-year-old boy.

On top of that, Brooks has been declared a sexual predator. He is, therefore, amongst those few offenders who are most likely to commit further sex crimes if given the chance.

Despite all of that, Brooks was, however, once again granted a chance on parole. And he rewarded society by committing an arson offense by starting fires inside his apartment building. Brooks put everyone who lived in that building at risk with his most recent crimes.

Brooks has proven that he cannot live in society. He has shown that he will commit more crimes if he is released. It is this offices position, therefore, that he should spend everyday of his original life sentence in prison.

Public Hearing Comments

Wayne Reed

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